
Little by little, slowly slowly, do your practice and all things come

About Wendy Green
I started teaching yoga at the now famous Hippocrates Health Institute, Boston in 1972 where I also worked as the head of their Raw food Kitchen under the direction of Dr Ann Wigmore. It was an auspicious beginning and I’ve just kept going on that path these past 49 years.
I am a direct student of Sri K Pattabhi Jois of Mysore India and studied with him regularly from 1995 to 2005 as well as his top tiered teachers in the states.
I operated my own highly successful yoga studio in Avon by the Sea, New Jersey and trained the majority of teachers in that area.
Every year of my adult life I have gone on some kind of “cleanse”, ie: water fasting, juice fasting, a yoga intensive, hiking, silent retreats, etc. I always returned home feeling like I had flowers growing inside me. My dream was to create my own retreat, the kind of retreat I would want to go to….quiet, low key, restful, comfortable (with good beds and sheets) beautiful decor, delicious nourishing “cleansing” food, fantastic yoga, great hiking, time for self reflection, focusing on self renewal, in the most beautiful natural place.
In 2005 vision became reality. I sold everything and moved to the tropics. Combining a life long passion for Yoga, Raw Food, and a Natural Lifestyle, I offer year round, individual and personalized “detox” retreats in the Cloud Forest of Ecuador. It’s been so rewarding and meaningful. Guests leave lighter, brighter, stronger, leaner, cleaner, clearer and inspired.
Over the last 16 years, Im honored by the glowing reviews from guests, many who have become friends and return year after year.
I look forward to sharing this special place with you and helping you on the path of optimal wellness through yoga, diet and lifestyle.